Saturday, December 15, 2012

Let's Get Ready To Run!

Here we are headed out for our
I am currently working with an animal behaviorist with my dog Daisy.  As you know I have a passion about keeping pets at a healthy weight and active.  I run and walk with Daisy on a regular basis but I have trouble with her lunging at objects such as well almost everything!  She doesn't seem to like people when they say hello, bikes, skateboards, runners, motorcycles, kids and the list goes on.  One thing that has worked is feeding her lots of treats to distract her form these objects as they come up.  So how do I keep her at a healthy weight while feeding her so much?  Well its simple when its her meal time I feed her much less food.  This is very important to keep her at her healthy weight.  She is highly motivated with yummy treats such as hotdogs and peanut butter.  When I run with her I need to keep running when I see things that she lunges at.  Its tough to keep running while trying to feed her and distract her with food.  I have found using a hotdog works great because I can hold it and only give her a little at a time but still keep her attention.  It has worked great and hopefully we get to a point where she is distracted enough by just me talking to her and I don't need to use treats as a reward.  

The bottom line is when you are training your dog and you have to use treats as a reward then you really need to limit the real food you feed them.  Keep an eye on your dogs weight and if they look like they are gaining weight then make adjustments as needed.  Read the label on your dog food to make sure you are feeding them the appropriate amount of food to begin with.  It's a balancing act and you need to find the right balance for you and your mutt.  Keeping your dog at a healthy weight will keep him healthy and fit for a long time!

If you are looking for a great animal behaviorist I work with Crista Coppola and her website is  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Keeping Fido Fit - It Just Might Keep You Fit Too!

King is available for adoption at the NSPCA
and he is a great runner!
I have always enjoyed staying fit and keeping my three mutts fit.  We do this by exercising every day and not over eating.  Its simple math for both animals and humans.  If you take in more than you burn off you will become overweight.

With people and pets weight gain can creep up and before you know it you or your dog can be obese!  Make sure you read the labels on your dogs food to make sure you are feeding them the appropriate amount of food each day.  Treats quickly add up the calories just like with humans who nibble on things throughout the day.  A pigs ear can add up to 600 calories depending on the size.  Find other ways to keep your mutt happy.  A simple game of tug-o-war can be fun for them.  Dogs get pleasure from licking and you can put chicken broth (low sodium) in a kong and freeze it.  Licking will keep them busy for quite some time.

Dogs can bring you so much joy but if they are overweight their lifespan may be shortened.  There life is so much shorter than ours don't shorten it even more by over feeding them.  Keep them healthy and happy.  A bonus of keeping your mutt fit is that you just might be burning more calories too!

I recently started running shelter dogs at the Nevada SPCA.  People always say to me that I am such a good person because I do this.  Little do they know that I am the one getting the most out of it.  Seeing those dogs excited to go for a run and hanging with them for a few hours brings me so much happiness. Its even better when they eventually find a home and I have to find a new shelter dog to run! I have so much fun I have actually doubled my running distance each week and I don't even feel like I am exercising that much more.  When I go to the shelter I always run more than I plan.  I have lost a few pounds in the process.  To say that I am a good person to go to the shelter is great but little does everyone know its the dogs that bring me joy each time I go run with them.
I thought this was pretty cute!

If you live in Las Vegas and want to run with me at the shelter you can.  Contact me for details.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Running With The Dogs - A Great Way To Get In Some Miles!

Wrigley is guaranteed to make you a better runner if you
adopt him.  He is very sweet but also very strong!  
Today I followed my passion.  I went for a 9 mile run but this run was different than any other run I have ever done.  I got so much satisfaction and joy from my run today.  I planned on running with shelter dogs today.  As I was getting ready to leave, I went through my typical pre-run routine.  I got my camelback ready.  I put on a winter headband because it was a little chilly. I got my sunglasses, Garmin, IPod,  garbage bags for dog poop, and leashes.  As I was doing this my dogs were sure it was time for them to run.  They were excited jumping up and down.  I felt a pang of guilt as I walked out the door but I knew what I was doing was a good thing.  I figured I would walk them later in the day.  I went to the Nevada SPCA a local no kill animal shelter.  I decided to run 3 different dogs 3 miles each.  I wanted to select dogs that had high energy and needed to get out and run.  My first choice was King.  He is a cattle dog mix.  King is a super sweet guy with lots of energy. I can't imagine why somebody would give him up but then again I can't imagine why anyone would give up their dog.  In my opinion its for better or worse with a pet.  You keep them through the good and bad.  We ran 3 miles and he was awesome to run with.  We kept about a 9 min.  pace.  I went back and decided to run Moon for my second dog.  She is a bully mix about one year old.  She is another sweet dog with lots of energy.  She is really skinny and I am sure being in the shelter is a little stressful for her or any dog for that matter.  Moon got me through the next 3 miles which made 6 total for me.  My next choice was Wrigley.  He is a Chow/Shepard mix.  He is so lovable and beautiful.  He is also a very strong dog.  I walked him once before so I was a little apprehensive taking him for a run because he was so strong.  I choose to put a harness on him because of his strength.  Once we started running he was great.  He was the fastest of all of the dogs I ran today.  We kept a 7:30 pace for most of the 3 miles.  He could have easily kept going.   Today my 9 mile run was one of the best runs ever.   Not only did I get exercise I was able to give a little joy to some dogs that deserve a good home.  I know all three of the dogs I ran today will find a good home.  I just hope whoever does adopt them likes to run and will take them along:)  

When I cam home my dogs had to inspect me because I smell like other dogs. Its like I am cheating on them.  They must have been mad that I left to run (with leashes and all) without them.  I came home to find my protein shake empty and remnants of it on the dog bed.  I will take part of the blame for leaving it on the counter. I am not sure who did it but I have my suspicions.  Well my dogs may not have got to run today but we did go for a 2 mile walk.  And one of them got about 15 grams of protein)  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Become a lean mean machine with the help of fido!

Daisy and I after a run and Spec in the back....he just had
to get in the photo!
54% of dogs and cats are overweight or obese.  If your Vet has told you that your dog needs to lose a few pounds then there are simple steps to take to start the process.  Excess weight for your pet can lead to many other health concerns. Talk to your Vet about the type of food you are feeding your dog and how much you are feeding him/her.  As a rule of thumb you should follow the recommendation on the bag of dog food (this is if your dog is normal weight).  The total daily food required for your dog should be spread into two feedings each day.  In addition to monitoring the food intake you must include exercise.  Begin slow and increase it slowly each week.  Starting with a 20-30 minute walk 3-4 times a week is a great start.  Increase about 10% each week.  If you would like to run with your dog start with a run/walk.  Run or jog for 1 minute and walk for 4 minutes.  Limit human food and treats.  If you do give your dog treats use low calorie options such as carrots.  You could also freeze low calorie foods with liquid in a kong.  I put cottage cheese, cut up carrots bits, chicken broth, and seal it with peanut butter.  Then I freeze them.  This is a great low calorie treat that takes them up to an hour to enjoy!  Pets are not much different than humans when it comes to weightless.  Diet and exercise will get you the best results!  You and your pet can become lean, mean machines.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Follow your Pupssion

Over the past years I have always mentioned how I wanted to start a run group from the NSPCA.  I kept talking about it and thinking about how great it would be.  I recently had some time to begin the process of putting this dream into reality. Little did I know how it would impact me on a personal level. I have not even yet started my run group but I have started volunteering at the Nevada SPCA to walk dogs.  I figured I would become familiar with the shelter and dogs before beginning the run group.  I can't believe I put this off for so long!  It is amazing how much I look forward to going to the shelter and am disappointed when I don't have time to go there.  I enjoy walking the dogs so much I wish I would have done it a long time ago.  Many times I go walk dogs and go into the shelter looking for a dog I previously walked only to find they are gone.  This is bittersweet because although I want to see them I am so happy they are adopted.  I already have so many great images of spending time with these special creatures in my head.  I initially was so sad to leave the shelter and now I am so excited to get there and can't wait to come back. I had NO idea that a simple idea for a run group would bring me so much joy AND I haven't even started running with any of the dogs.  Today I walked a energetic lab mix named Terry, two older beagles named Betsy and Buddy, and an energetic so ugly he's cute patches. I got one step closer to a terrified Guadalupe.  He was found in a car and is frightened by everyone but today he licked my finger!  He took food from my hand.  Each day I see him he comes out of his shell a little more.  I went to the shelter today looking for Bellagio and Pupcake.  Pupcake is a  3 legged puppy I spent time with the other day.  Both were gone and adopted!   These dogs are in a situation that is not their fault. I feel more compassion for these amazing animals then I do for any human.  A human is in a bad situation in most cases because they have made bad decisions.  These dogs have been put in this situation because humans once again made bad decisions. If I can give them 20 minutes of pleasure and love I will and I get as much out of it as they do. Its a two way street. If you ever have considered volunteering at a shelter then don't put it off.  If you have not done it because you think you will want to take all of them home then change your mindset!  You need to go their knowing your time is best spent loving them for that short time.  You can't save them all but you can give them some love for the time you are there.  If you want to do something and keep talking about it, quit talking and do it!  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Combining Two Passions For A Great Cause!

I have a passion for health, fitness and dogs!  I try to keep myself fit as well as my 3 dogs.  I always exercise them by either running, swimming, walking or fun games.  I sometimes try and kill two birds with one stone by getting my run in while taking my dogs.  I decided to create a run/walk group that left from an animal shelter so we could multi-task.  I figured we could get our exercise and do a good deed for a shelter  dog at the same time.  The Nevada SPCA in Las Vegas has over 300 dogs on any day.  They have many high energy dogs that could benefit from a good run or brisk walk.  I live close to the NSPCA and run on a new running trail close by so I thought why not take the pups to the trail to go for a run?  Today I went to orientation and I am so excited to get this thing going!  

We need runners so here is what you need to do it you want to help:

  • Go to the NSPCA volunteer orientation on any Saturday at 8am it is about 90 minutes and is mandatory if you want to be in the group.
  • Make sure when you go to orientation you have had your tetanus vaccine and bring verification of it.
  • Contact me at so I can add you to the group email.  
It is important to understand you are there to bring a bright spot into a dogs day.  You are there to give a little joy to a dog who is in a temporary situation.  You can't save or help every dog.  You can't take every dog.  You will be the highlight of one dogs day!  It will make your exercise so much more enjoyable and rewarding.  I am hoping to do this at various times and days.  I plan to begin this program in November.  It is important to go through the orientation now and volunteer a few times before we begin the program.  It will be good to get familiar with the policies and procedures at the shelter.  

Please share this with anyone you think may be interested in joining the group.  I hope to see you out there!

To see more about the NSPCA you can go to their website at  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Keeping Fido Happy and Fit - It's easy just do it!

Daisy on our walk

It is the highlight of their day!  When I walk my dogs or go running with them they get so excited.  I try and walk or run with them everyday.  Rarely do I miss a day.  I wish everyone had the same passion about walking their dogs.  Imagine if you were a dog and never got to leave your house.  You miss out on all those new smells that are outside of your yard.  Dogs love to sniff and smell everything out there in the world.  Keeping them confined to your yard (even if it is a big yard) is not the same.  I see so many dogs in my neighborhood that NEVER get outside of their yard.  I feel bad for them as I walk by with my pack of dogs.  Not only do your dogs get exercise on a walk but you will gain benefits from walking too.  Many people say they are too busy to do this.  That is a BIG excuse.  I am very busy however I force myself to take them out and once I see them enjoying the walk it is well worth it.  Don’t talk yourself out of it just do it.    Make it become a daily routine. Some days I have to be to work at 5am so walking my dogs requires me to get up at 3:15.  Yes its hard but I do it because I love my dogs. I love seeing them full of excitement to go for the walk.  It only has to be 20-30 minutes out of your day.  Just do it! 

My Pack of Pups

Monday, August 20, 2012

Play some tug-o-war

In the summer sometimes it too hot to do anything outside with your dog.  So your mutt may be getting stir crazy being inside this summer.  You could always do what I do and get up at 3am to avoid the heat. If your not crazy like I am you could play a game with them at anytime and in the house.  My dog Daisy's favorite game it tug-o-war.  A 15 minute game of tug-o-war and we both are beat.  Use these tips to play with your dog.

  • Use something soft that your dog will like to grab onto.  I tied and bunch of old socks together.  Before I tied them together I stuffed them with more old socks.  This works great and is cheap.
  • Find a way to get them started.  Use a fun high pitched voice and say something like "Let's Play" or "Get It"
  • Once they have it shake and tug on it.  Go back and forth up and down.  Use an excited voice to keep the game going.  
  • If their mouth touches you even by accident stop the game and start over.  If your dog won't release when you tell them use a treat to get them to drop it. 
  • A great time to do this is when you get up in the morning or when you come         home from work.          
Make it fun and exciting.  Not all dogs are tug-o-war dogs but most dogs enjoy some type of game.  Have fun and stay cool.

Monday, July 23, 2012

My Dog See's Stranger Danger

Daisy and I after a great trail run!
My dog Daisy is one of three dogs I have.  She is very fit, loves to run, learned to like swimming and is such a love bug.  Since I got her from the shelter 4 years ago I have had various behavior problems with her.  I have tried to manage them for 4 years with zero luck.  I knew she didn't need a dog trainer because she knows basic commands and is very smart.  Her problem is aggression with other people and dogs.  It has gotten worse not better over the years.  I realized I needed some professional help. I contacted Crista Coppola a dog behaviorist.  
Daisy barks aggressively at people when they enter the house.  She paces while they are here rarely ever getting comfortable with anyone other than me.  Crista was immediately aware that Daisy was a frightened dog.   She likely learned this behavior when she was young and in the shelter.  When I first got her and she would meet people she would squat and pee.  She realized barking at them rather than peeing become more efficient at keeping them away.  Crista suggested I be in control of every greeting that Daisy encounters.  They must be controlled and only what Daisy can tolerate.  She will never be a perfect dog but we can now hopefully manage her interactions with people.  I will follow the guidelines outlined by Crista and hopefully Daisy's life will be less stressful. 

She suggested a few things:

  • Crate train all of my dogs.  When people come in the house introduce Daisy very slowly.  Keeping her in the crate have the guest (stranger) throw Daisy treats.  No sudden movements when she is around.  Feed them in their crate because Daisy is protective over her food.  
  • Walk or run Daisy alone so I can manage any potential problems better. Daisy does not like bikes, people running, skateboards.  When I see these coming have treats ready to give her as the potential stranger goes by.  
  • She seems slightly nervous when my boyfriend talks and she said he needs to talk to her in a FUN way.  He also will be playing her favorite game with her when he comes home.  She loves tug-o-war.  The other dogs will be separate from her when she plays with him. 
  • When I take her to run groups with other people around I will provide them with treats to throw her way.  This will be a good feeling when she encounters strangers however they will not approach her as she is worse when on leash.  We just want to present good feeling on leash.
These are the few things we are going to start with.  I am ready to start right away.  I love my dogs like a mother would love their kids. I wish she was a normal dog and loved people because she has such a sweet personality with me.  This is how she is and I will manage it for the rest of her long life!

Daisy at Dog Diving!  She is a great swimmer!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teaching your mutt to love the water

Can you believe she didn't like the water!
My dog Daisy (one of my 3 of my dogs) did not always love the water.  When I first got her she was scarred of many things including water.  She even walked around puddles on our walks.  My other Dog Tigger a lab mix is your typical water dog.  When boarding them one time I decided to pay the $30 extra for pool time.  I thought maybe a professional could work with Daisy and get her in the pool. It was not going to happen. They said she was terrified of the water.  I never forced her into the water but when I would take Tigger to the lake I brought her along.  I got her a life jacket and thought I would let her do what she wanted.  I would stay on the beach and throw the ball for Tigger and he would run into the water and fetch the ball. She would stand at the shore and watch him fetch the ball from the water. She would greet him back to shore with enthusiasm.  She eventually would run into the water when welcoming him back to shore but only into a few inches of water. I still found this exciting  because it was progress.  Then I would go into the water a little deeper and she would follow.  Finally she was up to her chest and she wasn't nervous or scared.  She was having fun and actually fetching the ball in the shallow water.  Then it happened; she went out far enough she couldn't touch.  She immediately went back to where she could feel the bottom of the lake.  I  could tell she wanted to follow Tigger but wasn't really sure what to do. I put the leash on her and lead her out to where she could barely touch. I threw the ball for her and Tigger and kept leading her by the leash.  It finally happened she was actually swimming!  She got the ball and we went back to shore.  I was so happy and could tell she was having a great time.  She got to a point where she would do it by herself. 

A few years later I heard about a group called Vegas Dock Dogs. I originally thought about this for my lab mix Tigger. I thought he would be perfect for this.  I took him and he was a natural from the start jumping 14-15 feet on his first session.  I thought I had a champion on my hands until I realized the top dogs do it in something like 29 feet.

Ok so maybe not a champion but he was having a blast.  They told me I could bring two dogs at a time so next time I brought Daisy with us.  She didn't want anything to do with jumping off the dock.  I actually got in the water and tried to coax her in. It was not happening.  She would run with Tigger to the end of the dock and just watch him jump in.  I let her go over to the exit ramp and she starting fetching the ball from there actually jumping in to get it.

Here I am trying to coax her to jump and she is
not going for it
So while Tigger would jump off the ramp she was quite content fetching the ball from the ramp!  Come to find out she is a pretty fast swimmer.  They both have a blast at our dock diving sessions.  The come back from them tired and ready for a nap.  It is the perfect thing for them during the summer months.  It is yet another way to keep your dogs fit and at a healthy weight. 

Here is my water dog enjoying a hot summer day!
Best friends swimming paw in paw!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Who knows you better than your pet?

Recently it seems like so many people I know have lost pets or have elderly pets that are in poor health.  If you read my thoughts regularly you know I have 3 dogs.  Tigger I have had since he was 3 months old and he is almost 8 years old.  Daisy I have had since she was 1 year old and she is almost 6.  Spec I got from my sister when he was about 5 and I think he is 8 or 9.  I can't imagine having to ever make the decision to put a dog down.  Having so many friends in this very situation makes me think about when it does happen to me.  I often wonder why a dogs life is so short.  They bring so much happiness to so many people I don't know why they have to be on this planet for such a short time.  Many things in life I understand this I don't. 

I have recently thought about my dogs and how well I know them and they know me.  They can sense when I am in a good mood or bad mood.  They know when I don't feel good.  I in turn know when the slightest thing is off with them. 

There is not a human around that is so happy to see me all the TIME!  I know my boyfriend loves me and is glad to see me but I don't think he is nearly as happy as Tigger, Daisy, and Spec are to see me every time I come home.  Even if it is only after 10 minutes they are ecstatic to see me!  When hanging around the house there is always one of them right near me.....literally.  If I have to go to the bathroom one of them follows me to the bathroom lies on the carpet looks at me.  Then a minute and its over I go back to the kitchen or living room and they follow. They do this like it is no big deal. I try to tell them I will be right back and there is no need to follow me everywhere but of course they don't listen or understand.  At home I am never alone.  I get more kisses from my dogs then any other human.  And if your not a dog person you would think that is gross but dog people understand! My work schedule and my day is planned around my dogs.  I plan their walks around my schedule.  I make sure I can come home during the day to spend time with them.  They are my children!

No wonder why it is so devastating to lose a dog.  In many cases your dog knows you better than humans and they are with you more than your human family.  They follow you, welcome you and love you unconditionally.  I have not lost a dog but I know someday the time will come when it does  I will be devastated.  I am not sure what my coping method will be but I can't imagine coming home and not having 3 wagging tails waiting for me.  In the meantime I am going to enjoy every minute I have with them.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My dog doesn't need a leash.....really? All dogs should be on a leash when in public

Me with my dogs always on leash
I am always so amazed when I see people walking their dogs off leash.  I see this everywhere. Yesterday in a busy park with people, other dogs (on leash) and cars driving through the parking lot I saw a lady doing this.  She had 3 little dogs. One was on leash and the others off leash to roam free.  It only takes one little distraction for the dog to run in front of a car and get hurt or killed.  I had to bite my tongue because I wanted to say something so bad.  Her dog ran up to me as I was setting up my Pumped For Paws event. She yelled at the dog to come to her and of course the dog completely ignored her.

I have a paved trail by my house which I walk or run my dogs on and periodically I see other people with dogs off leash. I have mentioned before my Daisy dog is not friendly with other dogs. This aggressive behavior is multiplied when she is on leash. I think she feels the need to protect all of us.  So if a dog off leash approached us, it is not pretty.  Last week as I was running I saw these 2 ladies walking their 3 dogs all of them off leash.  Thankfully I didn't have my dogs at the time.  As I approached they held on to two of the dogs while the other roamed free.  I stopped and said if you ever see me on this trail (cause I am here alot) with my dogs please keep your dogs on leash because one of my dogs is not friendly with other dogs.  They said ok and I went on my way.  Yesterday I was walking all three dogs and I see the same ladies at the end of the trail.  They waited for me to come to the end of the trail before they started their walk.  The one lady said oh we waited for you because you were with your dogs.  I said thanks and kept walking.  At this point they were across the street from me (which is a pretty busy street).   Their big dog which was a Rottweiler came walking across the street toward me and the lady tried calling it back.  It kept coming and she said to me oh he is friendly.  I was thinking to myself (is this really happening) because I just told them how aggressive my dogs is.  I said well my dog is not friendly. She made no attempt to go grab the dog or anything.  She also didn't seem concerned at all that it was crossing a street all alone!  I looked at the Rottweiler and said NO!  It stopped and looked at us.  Moved forward a few steps and I said NO again!  Meanwhile the lady is still standing on the other side of the street calling her not NOT moving! And the dog of course is not listening.  I turned and walked forward leaving the dog only to stare at me.  Thankfully this turned out OK.  I can't believe the stupidity of people that don't feel the need to keep their dogs on a leash!  What is so hard about keeping your dog on a leash?  Why do people feel the need to let them roam with no regard for others? 

Please consider the consequences of not having your dog on a leash.  This includes when in front of your house, on a trail, or anyplace.  Your dog should always be on a leash. Don't think just because your dog is good, listens well, and is friendly you don't have to use a leash. Think about others. Dogs have natural instincts.  If they are off leash on a trail and see a critter they could be gone in a second and you may never see them again.  They could see another dog and dart off to go up to it. You may not be fast enough and that other dog may be like my Daisy dog and suddenly you have a full on dog fight.  They could easily run into the street only to get killed by a car and that is your fault NOT the person driving the car or the dog. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Great Workout For A Great Cause! This Saturday May 12th!

May 12th, 2012 9am
Bring your entire family outside to workout for a good cause. Get Fit With Friends, Family, and Fido is all about FUN. We are getting Pumped For Paws! Each person or mutt will be asked to donate $10 to the NSPCA. You can come alone, with family, kids, dogs, and be prepared to have fun all while burning some calories! Every $25 donation will receive a free shirt!
Where - The Mesa Park - coming from Tropicana and 215 go west on Tropicana. Turn left on Town Center and you will drive straight into the park.
When - May 12th at 9am. Please arrive 15 minutes early.
Who - Any person, teenager, or dog who wants to have fun and get some exercise all for a good cause. I will have two groups. One group will be people without their dogs and another group will be people with dogs. So you can bring your mutt and if you don't want to then bring a friend!
How - Contact me to reserve your spot...hurry space is limited!
If you can't make it but would like to donate to a great cause simply click the following link
Come and get the entire family moving and have fun.  Lets get kids, parents and pets healthy and find fun ways to exercise and raise money for a great organization.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Daisy and I after a 8 mile trail run!
She is fresh as a Daisy could go 8 more
on this cool day!
It is that time of year again and I hope all of you are exercising your mutts. Remember your dog needs exercise too and having a big back yard does not count as exercise! You need to get your mutt outside and get them moving and guess what that means you need to move too! As the weather heats up remember that you may be able to tolerate the heat better than your mutt!  This applies if you are running or walking your dog. Both can cause him/her to over heat. My runner dog Daisy is an amazing runner in the winter but as soon as it gets to about 80 degrees outside she heats up quick. I have had her for 5 years now and I have gotten to know her limits and I listen to her. I keep the mileage down in the summer and we get out really early. Even if you think its not hot (because 80 for me isn't that hot) your dog may not feel the same. Listen to their body language:
  • Are they slower than usual
  • Are they panting more than normal
  • When you return from the run how long does it take them to recover (stop panting)
  • How much water do they drink upon return from the walk/run
Here are some things you can do to prevent heat related problems:
  • Get out before the sun comes up
  • If you normally run your dog you may want to walk/run in the summer rather than only running
  • Use cool collars Don't think just because you have these you can go out in the heat. They are just a tool to keep them comfortable. 
  • Add some variety to their exercise routine. Take a trip to the lake for exercise to mix it up. Let them go in the water. Also try the dock diving for exercise in the summer. You can check it out at My dogs have so much fun at this.
Have fun and be safe in the summer.  The heat might be ok for you but your mutt might not be able to handle it like you can.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Are you in denial? Is your dog overweight?

Obesity in the pet population is a serious problem.  It is just as much of an epidemic as obesity in the human population.  It also can cause many of the same problems that humans face.  The only difference is it is  not their fault.  If your pet is overweight it is YOUR fault.  You could be killing your pet slowly if you over feed and under exercise them. 

I am a busy person just like everyone else.  Exercise for me and my pets is top on my list of things to do each day.  Sometimes I combine the two and get my run done with my dogs.  You can do the same thing with a brisk walk.  If I am scheduled for a run that is too long for my dogs, then I bring them home and go back out to finish my run.  I want my pets to live a long healthy life.  Daily exercise and proper feeding is going to ensure I have done my part to extend their life.  Put these simple steps into your routine each day:
  • Feed two times a day.  Measure food and break it up into two feedings.  Consult your Vet for the amount you should feed your dog if they are currently overweight.  For normal weight pets you could check the bag to see the recommendations for your dog. 
  • Eliminate human food.  This is probably the biggest problem of excess calories for many of our furry friends.  It is hard when you see those sad eyes begging for food but you must skip giving them table scraps.
  • Give low calories treats such as carrots.  Save calories and money and give fido baby carrots for treats. 
  • Depending on your dogs size, breed, and weight a brisk walk of 20-60 minutes is essential each day.  If you are just beginning an exercise program then start with 20 minutes and slowly increase the time by about 10% each week.  Some dogs are fine with only 30 minutes each day but others may need more.
  • Add Fish Oil and a Multiple Vitamin to their food each day.  The fish oils will help their joints as you begin an exercise program.
  • Think about agility classes, dock diving classes, or swimming.  These are fun ways to get them moving.  Check your local area for classes.  You could also check with your Vet.
In no time at all you and your mutt may start to drop a few pounds!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On The Move With Your Mutt!

Enjoying the nice weather!

Ready to play ball!

I recently moved to a house with a bigger back yard. I was concerned about the move and how the dogs would react.  I had a plan to keep the move as smooth as possible for them.  I didn't want them to be in the house the day of the move. I thought they would go crazy with movers there and all the chaos. I also didn't want to board them.  I have one dog that is neurotic as it is and boarding her makes her even more neurotic.  I have a client that is a dog groomer.  I decided to give them all a day at the spa.  For Daisy the neurotic one this is not much fun either but its better than either of the other options.  Before the movers came I took all of them to see Pam. I figured another benefit is they will come to the new house nice and clean!  It took about 5 hours to load everything and get it moved into the new place. By that time they were all ready to be picked up.  I was eager to see how they would react to the new place.  We walked in and they sniffed around for what seemed like hours.  They all immediately went out to the back to mark their spot in the new yard.  My groomer Pam had told me to bring some dog poop from the old yard to put in the new yard so they had a familiar scent in the yard.  Nice thought but I did not bring any of their old poop!  I thought I know I am a crazy dog lover but that is going a little too far.  Luckily I don't think I needed to because they immediately did it themselves!  A few tips to keep in mind when moving to a new location with your pets.
  • Check the new fence and gate really good to make sure it is secure so they can't escape their new house.
  • Make sure they are wearing tags and have microchips in case they do escape.
  • Walk them around the neighborhood several times so they become familiar with how to get back home.
  • Just because you may have a bigger yard, does not mean they don't need to go for a walk.  A big yard is great but you still need to get them out of the house and yard and take them on a walk.  Every dog no matter the size needs a walk everyday.  They need to get out a smell other smells, move forward and get exercise.
  • Introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know you have dog(s).  This is important in case your dogs get lose or bark while your away.  The neighbor may feel more comfortable telling you since you have gone out of the way to introduce yourself.  The last thing you want is them to call animal control because your dog is barking. 
Hopefully things will go as smooth as it did with my dogs!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Finding The Right Dog For You!

My first dog Tigger came to me on accident.  He was found at 3 months and I decided to keep him.  After having him for several years I wanted to get him a friend.  I thought the process would be pretty simple.  Little did I know it would take almost 6 months for me to actually find a good match for him.  I searched online and at local shelters for a good match for us both.  Each time I chose a dog that I thought would be a good match for him, he did not want anything to do with the dog.  I was getting frustrated with the process.  We were at yet another shelter when I had picked another dog that he had no interest in.  It was then when he became fascinated with Daisy.  As I walked the shelter I did not pick Daisy to meet Tigger.  She was barking so loud and was a skinny funny looking mutt.  We were about to leave the shelter when it was Daisy's turn to play in the grass area.  We were on the other side of the fence and Tigger saw her running around in the grass area.  He wanted to go play with her and the attendant at the shelter suggested we let him meet her.  I was reluctant but said OK.  It was a few minutes into their play session when I knew this skinny, goofy, loud dog was going to be the dog I would take home.  I am so thankful that Tigger found her.  I really don't think anyone else except Tigger and I could handle her energy.  She fit into our life perfect.  She has become the best running partner for me and the best friend for Tigger.  My point in telling this story is that you should NEVER rush your decision to get a new pet.  It is so important to find the right pet for you and your lifestyle.  If someone who did not exercise or someone did not have a big yard would have picked Daisy they would have surely given her right back to the shelter.  Keep these things in mind when finding a pet for you and your family:
  • Your living area - some dogs need lots of room!
  • Your activity level - some dogs are perfectly fine being lounge lizards but some dogs like Daisy need someone with a very active lifestyle.
  • The size of your family.  Some dogs are known to be family dogs and others are better off with a single owner.
  • Other pets - it is always a good idea to take your other dogs or cats to meet the new one before you make a decision.
  • Age of the new dog.  Do you really have time for a puppy.  They require lots of attention and you will have to potty train them.  Puppies are really cute but a lot of work - just like a baby.  You may want to consider a slightly older dog that is already trained.
  • Always consider adopting a mutt rather than getting a  pure breed.  There are so many unwanted dogs in shelters.
  • Consider the cost of owning a pet.  You will need to get annual vaccines, check-ups and you will be responsible if the dog gets sick.  I have Health Insurance for my pets and trust me it has been well worth the $50 a month! 
  • Consider the cost of boarding your pet if you travel.  This can become costly and sometimes people don't think about it before getting a pet.  If you are thinking about getting a second dog remember double the expense!
A pet will totally change your life.  You will find yourself adjusting your schedule to get home to your pet.  They are a lot of work but the payoff of having a best friend is worth the small changes in your life you have to make.  My dogs bring me so much happiness and joy it is worth it!  Take time when making a decision on a new dog.  Do your research on the right type of dog for you and your family.  Most times you will know when the time is right and when the right dog comes along.  I believe the dog usually picks you not the other way around!