Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Follow your Pupssion

Over the past years I have always mentioned how I wanted to start a run group from the NSPCA.  I kept talking about it and thinking about how great it would be.  I recently had some time to begin the process of putting this dream into reality. Little did I know how it would impact me on a personal level. I have not even yet started my run group but I have started volunteering at the Nevada SPCA to walk dogs.  I figured I would become familiar with the shelter and dogs before beginning the run group.  I can't believe I put this off for so long!  It is amazing how much I look forward to going to the shelter and am disappointed when I don't have time to go there.  I enjoy walking the dogs so much I wish I would have done it a long time ago.  Many times I go walk dogs and go into the shelter looking for a dog I previously walked only to find they are gone.  This is bittersweet because although I want to see them I am so happy they are adopted.  I already have so many great images of spending time with these special creatures in my head.  I initially was so sad to leave the shelter and now I am so excited to get there and can't wait to come back. I had NO idea that a simple idea for a run group would bring me so much joy AND I haven't even started running with any of the dogs.  Today I walked a energetic lab mix named Terry, two older beagles named Betsy and Buddy, and an energetic so ugly he's cute patches. I got one step closer to a terrified Guadalupe.  He was found in a car and is frightened by everyone but today he licked my finger!  He took food from my hand.  Each day I see him he comes out of his shell a little more.  I went to the shelter today looking for Bellagio and Pupcake.  Pupcake is a  3 legged puppy I spent time with the other day.  Both were gone and adopted!   These dogs are in a situation that is not their fault. I feel more compassion for these amazing animals then I do for any human.  A human is in a bad situation in most cases because they have made bad decisions.  These dogs have been put in this situation because humans once again made bad decisions. If I can give them 20 minutes of pleasure and love I will and I get as much out of it as they do. Its a two way street. If you ever have considered volunteering at a shelter then don't put it off.  If you have not done it because you think you will want to take all of them home then change your mindset!  You need to go their knowing your time is best spent loving them for that short time.  You can't save them all but you can give them some love for the time you are there.  If you want to do something and keep talking about it, quit talking and do it!  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Combining Two Passions For A Great Cause!

I have a passion for health, fitness and dogs!  I try to keep myself fit as well as my 3 dogs.  I always exercise them by either running, swimming, walking or fun games.  I sometimes try and kill two birds with one stone by getting my run in while taking my dogs.  I decided to create a run/walk group that left from an animal shelter so we could multi-task.  I figured we could get our exercise and do a good deed for a shelter  dog at the same time.  The Nevada SPCA in Las Vegas has over 300 dogs on any day.  They have many high energy dogs that could benefit from a good run or brisk walk.  I live close to the NSPCA and run on a new running trail close by so I thought why not take the pups to the trail to go for a run?  Today I went to orientation and I am so excited to get this thing going!  

We need runners so here is what you need to do it you want to help:

  • Go to the NSPCA volunteer orientation on any Saturday at 8am it is about 90 minutes and is mandatory if you want to be in the group.
  • Make sure when you go to orientation you have had your tetanus vaccine and bring verification of it.
  • Contact me at trainwithcyndee@yahoo.com so I can add you to the group email.  
It is important to understand you are there to bring a bright spot into a dogs day.  You are there to give a little joy to a dog who is in a temporary situation.  You can't save or help every dog.  You can't take every dog.  You will be the highlight of one dogs day!  It will make your exercise so much more enjoyable and rewarding.  I am hoping to do this at various times and days.  I plan to begin this program in November.  It is important to go through the orientation now and volunteer a few times before we begin the program.  It will be good to get familiar with the policies and procedures at the shelter.  

Please share this with anyone you think may be interested in joining the group.  I hope to see you out there!

To see more about the NSPCA you can go to their website at www.nevadaspca.org.