Sunday, November 17, 2013

So Many Good Dogs

I love all dogs and I have three dogs each a different size, breed mix, and personality.  I volunteer to walk and run dogs at a local dog shelter.  I typically walk and run the larger dogs and the ones that are more difficult to handle.  Most of the larger breeds are some type of pitbull mix but there are many mutts.  I find myself constantly defending the pitbull breed of dogs when I tell people I run lots of pitbulls at the dog shelter.  Most people (not all) have an idea about this breed that is so far off and it saddens and angers me at the same time.  It is unfortunate that people are ignorant to the true facts and are closed minded and refuse to listen to the facts.  My own mother and father are in this group of people and I love them dearly but I don't understand them and their opinion on these dogs.  I was speaking to my mother about a certain dog at the shelter that I am fond of and am considering adopting.  She said that I better be careful because the dog could attack my dogs because its part pitbull.  I found myself trying to explain to my mom that she was wrong and not only pitbulls can be aggressive dogs.  Any dog could be aggressive and my own dog Daisy has shown some aggression at times and she is not a pitbull.  

Time Magazine Article

Pitbulls are unfortunately categorized as bad dogs because of humans that have used them as fighting dogs.  Pitbulls are some of the nicest most gentle dogs around.  Here is a study that found them to be one of the most tolerant dogs out there.  Sure there are some pitbulls that I walk or run that don't like other dogs but there are many other breeds that I walk or run that don't like other dogs too.  There are many dogs that bite and many of them are not pitbulls.  Pitbull bites get the most press and are talked about and most of the "other" dog bites are never made public.  Pitbull  - Beyond The Myth is a great documentary that discloses some of the major myths about this breed.  One myth about pitbulls is, when they bite their jaw locks but this is not true. They also do not have the strongest bite of any dogs.  Pitbulls are such great dogs and here are a few that I walk and run on a regular basis!

Anna Marie a pit mix that I walk

Lucy a pit that I walk
Margaret a pit mix that I run

Violet was one of my favorites and finally got a home!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mix It Up With Fido!

Are you bored with your daily walks with your dog but still want to help them stay healthy and fit?  There are many other things you can do with Fido to keep him/her fit.  Here are just a few:

  • Hurdles - jump hurdles, you can make these very easily with PVC plumbing piping  and you can make any height for very small or large dogs. 
  • Play fetch - if your dog enjoys fetch this is a great way to get some exercise.  
  • Play hide and seek - hide a small piece of kibble or their toy and see if they can find it - you may have to give some hints at first. 
  • Play up/down - on a bench or chair have your dog go up and down.  This is good exercise and it makes their brain work too!
  • Swimming - try a pool or lake and use a life vest for Fido to be safe. This is great exercise and so much fun for water loving dogs.  Check your area for a local dock diving club which is another fun thing for your mutt.
  • Use a skateboard, bike or rollerblades to let your dog pull you along.  Be careful and make sure you wear a helmet!  
  • Go to your local high school track while you go for a jog let Fido run with you.  I do this if nobody is on the track and I make sure all the entry ways to the track are closed before I let them off the leash. 
Have fun and stay Fit With Fido!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The “R” Word and The “W” Word

All of my mutt Daisy, Spec and Tigger 

It is funny how dogs catch on to our daily habits as humans.  I am a very routine person and so are all three of my dogs.  I wake close to the same time even on my days off and I go to bed around the same time each night.  My dogs are ready to get up around the same time each day. My morning routine is pretty normal every single day.  My dogs get fed on a pretty ridged schedule. They get walked or ran everyday.  Rarely does a day go by that they do not have some form of exercise.  Even with exercise I have a routine that I go through before the walk or run them.  It starts with putting on my shoes which doesn’t’ always produce excitement in my dogs. I am a personal trainer so I wear running shoes everyday to work.  The smartest dog of my bunch is named Daisy and she doesn’t miss a beat.  Putting my shoes on gets her attention but she is not sure if that means we are going for a walk or run, both of which I don’t dare say. We refer to it as as R or W around my house because saying the word will produce mayhem.  These steps increase the excitement of the dogs as I go through each of them:

·      Putting on my shoes
·      Going to the pantry to get my 2 squares of gum out of the gum cup
·      Going to the bag drawer to get my poop bag
·      Putting on sunglasses and/or sunscreen
·      Getting the leashes – this sets them over the top with excitement

The shoes get Daisy’s attention but not the other two, Spec and Tigger.  The gum gets Daisy a little more excited than the shoes.  Getting the poop bag really gets her going and the other two start to notice her excitement.  When I get the leash it is hardto contain the excitement!  They are creatures of habit just like meJ

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Great Banana Bread Heist

Who of these three is the guilty one?
My dogs are fun, crazy, energetic and would eat anything put in front of them.  I have to keep the counters clear of any little bit of food.  I know if I had a camera on them when I leave I would find them immediately checking the counters.  Each time I leave the house I look at each of them feeling sad I am leaving. They in turn give me (what I think is) a sad look as I leave. In reality they are waiting for the garage door to close so they can go check to see if I left anything on the counter or if I happen to leave the pantry door slightly agar.  I have done both of those things on occasion only to come home to find garbage strewn all over the floor.  I have come home to empty packages on the floor and crumbs in their dog beds.  
The other day I spent a few hours making homemade banana bread.  I placed it in a large plastic bag and pushed it to the back of the counter.  I left to go for a run and upon my return I found part of the banana bread (not much was left) and the bag on the floor.  
This is what I found when I came home
At first I thought maybe they didn't like it since they actually left some of it.  Then I realized I must have come back while they were in the middle of the banana bread heist!  Of course when I came in not one of my three dogs were anywhere near the banana bread.  I know Spec could not have gotten it off the counter because he is  a MinPin/Chihuahua mix.  At 11lbs its unlikely he got it off the counter however I wouldn't rule him out from eating some of  it once it was on the floor.  Both Daisy and Tigger could have gotten it off the counter. Although I thought I pushed it back far enough one of them managed to reach it.  I did my best to interview all of them. In this video I interrogated each of them trying to come up with the mastermind behind the heist.

After I interogated each of them my investigation continued.  I checked teeth to see if I could find any leftovers from the feast! I checked their dog beds and found some crumbs in Tigger's bed along with part of the plastic bag.  I came to the conclusion that all three were somehow involved in this heist.  I think Daisy probably got it off the counter.  Being scarred of most things when it fell to the floor she probably got scarred and Tigger came to the rescue.  He probably got it out of the plastic bag and started munching on it.  I am sure Spec was around getting what crumbs he could.  Then Daisy being bossy probably came in to finish off the job she started.  That is when I came home and they all stopped what they were doing and acted like nothing was going on.  Now I realize this is all speculation on my part and none of it would hold up in a court of law.  Just wait because I have a plan to get to the bottom of it.  I plan on leaving something really yummy barely within their reach on the counter.  I am going to have a video camera going and I will leave for a short time.  We will soon find out who the ring leader is.  

Here they are acting like nothing happened!  They look pretty innocent but don't be fooled by their cute faces.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Don't Put Off Your Passion

I would love to say that triathlons are my main passion.  While I do enjoy training and racing, there are things I enjoy more.  It took me a long time to follow my passion but once I did I wondered why I waited so long to do it.
My paw print tattoo is an example
of my passion for dogs!
I have two examples I want to share with you on how I took the steps to follow my passion.  The first is my passion for dogs.  I have three awesome dogs and for many years I wanted to help other dogs in some way. I didn't really know how or what I would do but I knew I wanted to do something. I completed a 50 mile run and raised money for the Nevada SPCA.  I had heard about a running group that ran dogs from a shelter in another city.  I figured I could try this in Las Vegas.  Although the running group didn't really pan out I began running and walking dogs at the Nevada SPCA.  The first few visits were tough because it was hard to see the dogs in the kennels.  Then I began to look forward to going to see the dogs.  I would be drawn to a certain dog and was looking forward to seeing it only to find one day it was gone.  It would bring me so much happiness knowing they found a good home.  The joy of getting those dogs out for a run/walk or dip in the kiddie pool is amazing.  I can't believe I waited so long to do this.  I kept putting it off for many years and now I can't wait to get there.  This is just one example of following your passion and taking the leap! You may not know what your missing.  In this case I was missing love and sloppy dog kisses from many of my furry friends. I am a lucky women, I have more running partners than anyone I know and they don't complain one bit they just keep running. Here are some of the long time residents at the shelter that I run or walk:

Almost 20 years of my life I worked in the retail business. While I didn't hate the job, I didn't love it.  About 10 years into my career in retail I got certified to be a personal trainer. I did it mostly for myself and didn't use my certification for many years.  Finally I took the leap and quit my job, moved to Atlanta and worked as a trainer full-time.  I did this for a year not making much money but getting by.  I got an offer to go back to the retail business making a lot more money.  I took it and lasted two years before I had enough.  I didn't care how much I was making because I wasn't happy. I picked up and moved back to Las Vegas to do personal training and triathlon coaching once again. I was not sure about anything, and didn't have a job or any clients.  When I got back to Las Vegas I took every opportunity to make money. I worked for other trainers, I worked at conventions to make money, I taught classes and I kept trying to build my client base.  It didn't happen overnight, I had to live on a lot less money for a while, but I was really happy.  Slowly my client base became big enough to where I could make a pretty good living.  I don't know why it took so long to take the leap.  Maybe when I was younger I didn't have the patience to penny pinch until I could build up a client base.  It could have been the fear of the unknown or fear of failure.  I absolutely love what I do and would never go back to retail.  I have a job that is rewarding because I see people achieve goals and change their lives.

It may not be a new job for you but I believe everyone has something they are passionate about.  Many people don't take the leap because of fear, lack of time, or lack of resources.  You may have to do a little work to get things moving but if you really want it you will make time!

What if you don't know what your passion is?  Then I suggest trying different things to find what you really like.  Maybe its crafts, knitting, hiking, or children.  Volunteer for a variety of organizations to find what will make you happy.  Who knows maybe you can turn your passion into your job!  Don't wait too long, do it now rather than later trust me I wish I would have done it a long time ago!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beat The Summer Heat With Fido

Beat The Heat With Your Mutt!
It is getting hot outside and if you think its hot imagine how your furry friend feels.  Try these fun things to keep Fido cool this summer:
  • Instead of a walk or run take a drive to the lake.  
    • Get out there early to avoid the crowds and heat.
    • Even if Fido knows how to swim put a dog life vest on.  I use one for both of my dogs at the lake.  They both are good swimmers however they could see something they want to get and keep swimming.  If they get too tired a life vest will help save them.  This is unlikely to happen but better to be safe they sorry.
  • If you don't have a swimming pool get a kiddie pool.  I have a small one and after a walk or run I fill it for them to cool off in.  I also put their toys in there and they love to fish them out.  Its a fun game for them and work for me......I put the toys in the pool they grab them and take them out over and over again. Like kids dogs could keep doing the same thing for a long time!
  • Make ice kongs for them.  Put goodies in the kong toy and freeze it.  Give it to them outside so it does not make a mess.  I put things like cut baby carrots, celery, cottage cheese and chicken broth. Its a cool treat on a hot day and its low calorie!
  • Try indoor a dog agility class indoors.  Smarty paws is a great place in Las Vegas to see if your mutt has what it takes to be the next champion or just have some fun and get some exercise.  Oh and you might get a little bit of exercise too!
  • Get out early before the sun. Once the sun beats on the pavement for an extended time you can't expect your dogs to walk on the hot pavement!  Even warm pavement for smaller dogs can be uncomfortable because they are so close to the pavement they can heat up faster. 
  • Look for signs of overheating in your dog.  Excessive panting can be a sign your dog is too hot.  
  • Use a collapsable water dish and carry water with you. 
Have a fun, safe and healthy summer. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Yellow Dog Project

I walk or run my dogs on a daily basis.  I am always on the lookout for other people walking their dogs or dogs off leash.  My dog Daisy is not friendly with other dogs and tends to get excited when bicycles, skateboards, or kids running around are near.  I have found ways to occupy her with treats when I encounter a situation but it can be difficult if a dog is off leash.  I carry citronella spray in case we get approached by another dog.  It has happened a handful of times.  Most times I yell at the dog and say NO and it will run away.  The other day I was walking my dogs and I noticed a couple walking with a dog that was off leash.  This dog was a large dog and it was walking ahead of the couple. Luckily I was on the other side of the street. I was walking across the street because I was avoiding a house that I know has previously had their small dog in the front yard on occasion.  I purposely avoid these situations on my walks. The large dog off leash was looking our way and I yelled to the couple that my dog was not friendly.  They called to their dog and he came back near them.  As they approached the house with the small dog I heard a commotion. I looked back and sure enough the little dog happened to come out from the back yard because the home owner had the gate open.  The small dog approached the big dog and they started fighting.  It was over pretty quick after a couple of yelps.  I wanted to say something to both pet owners but I didn't and kept walking.  I felt bad for the dogs, it's not their fault. The fault falls on the pet owners who are neglectful. If you have your dog off leash you are being a neglectful pet parent. I realize you may think you have control of your dog but if your dog sees something instinct takes over and they may not listen to you.  I have known people who's dog got hit by a car in front of their house because they let the dog in the garage and front yard while they were hanging out there.  Their dog decided to run across the street (who knows why) and its now dead.  If you think you can take your dog hiking off leash then think again.  They could easily see a squirrel and keep chasing  it and not be able to find their way back to you.  You could come across someone like me who walks their dogs on leash and has a dog that does not like other dogs in their space.  Then a fight is bound to happen.

Keep your dog on a leash and you will keep them safe.  Lets get back to my dog Daisy who has her issues with strangers, other dogs (except for my other 2),  and fast moving objects.  She is fearful of people, loud noises and just about anything.  If someone wants to come near us out on walks I have to warn them and tell them my dog is not friendly.  This is not really true because if you meet her in the right way she is very friendly and a really sweet dog.  The problem is that she does not like to be approached.  I have worked with an animal behaviorist and I can manage her issues.  She will likely always be this way and we don't really know why.  I rescued her when she was a year.  I don't really know what happened to her during that year. I recently found this website called The Yellow Dog Project.  They are bringing awareness to dogs that need space.  A yellow dog should not be approach. Being a yellow dog does not signify a mean or aggressive dog. It just means approach with caution and give the dog space.  If you see a dog with a yellow scarf or ribbon then don't approach them. You can check out more about The Yellow Dog Project at  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snacks For Your Mutt That Will Keep Them Lean

We all love to give our dogs treats.  It seems to make them happy and in turn we get pleasure out of it.  What you won't get pleasure out of is the extra weight that too many treats may add onto Fido.  Use some of these tips to keep your dog healthy while still giving them treats:

  • Decrease the amount of dog food you are giving them if you give them treats on a daily basis
  • Try long lasting low calorie treats such as a frozen kong.  I put baby carrots in a kong with a little cottage cheese and chicken broth.  I put them in the freezer and it takes them about an hour to finish.  They stay busy and get a low calorie treat.  
  • Make them work for it.  There are many toys that you can put some kibble in and it will take them a while to get a few pieces of kibbles out.  It is fun for them and keeps them busy.  
  • Try things such as carrots, broccoli, and celery instead of higher calorie treats.  
  • Inform yourself about the calorie content of some of the most common treats.  Some of the most common dog treats can be up to 600 calories.  Pigs ears can range from 300-600 depending on the size.  
If your dog is overweight it can cause a number of health issues.  Overweight pets can have some of the same health issues as overweight people.  Diet and exercise will keep your pet at a healthy weight.

Don't feed your dog table scraps!  Just say NO!