Monday, June 27, 2011

Fido's Summer Fit Tips

Summer is here and everyone is thinking about getting healthy, fit, and looking great, but have you thought about keeping Fido fit through the summer? With increased temperatures it is harder to find times to get outside with your mutt.  Take these simple steps to ensure Fido stays healthy and fit through the summer.
1.  Avoid feeding your dog human food and table scraps. Stick to a feeding plan. Feed your dog the suggested amount of dog food from your Vet or the label of the dog food based upon your
dog’s weight. 
2.  Give your dog lower calorie treats like carrots. Avoid the higher calorie and more expensive dog treats and stick to carrots.  They love them and it will save you money and save them calories!
3.  Get out for exercise early or late to avoid the heat!  Maybe the heat doesn’t bother you but it
certainly does your dog.  Get out before sunrise or after sunset. Modify exercise to a less intense variety when it’s hot.  A good example is to walk your dog rather than run or if you run do a shorter route than normal. 
4.  Take a dip!  Some dogs like to swim so if you have a pool or lake available take them to it. Even if they swim like a fish, put a life vest on them to be safe. If you don’t have access to a pool or lake get a kiddie pool for the backyard.  This will allow them to cool off on a hot day and have some fun!
5.  Less exercise = less food.  Think about modifying their food intake if they are exercising less.  Be sure to check with your Vet first.
6.  They may drink more water.  Even Fido needs more water in the summer.  Keep their dish full and on all walks carry water with you.   You may want to carry a collapsible bowl with you too.
Have a great summer!  Keep it safe and healthy for both you and your pet!

                                If you have any questions feel free to contact me at:
Train With Cyndee

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