Thursday, November 3, 2011

Let the running begin!

Daisy and I are ready for marathon training!  Yes Daisy will be doing most of my long runs with me.  She loves to run and has the perfect genetics for it.  I had her DNA tested last year and she is made up of breeds that love to run.  She is a Doberman, Dalmation, and Shetland Sheepdog mix.  This mix has created an ultra runner!  She has ran up to 14 miles with me (with ease). I am pretty sure 20 miles will not be a problem. 
When running with your dog make sure you build mileage slowly just like you do for humans!  To prevent injury and overtraining you need to increase by no more than 10 percent per week.  She will come with me for a few of me short runs during the week and my long run on Sunday.  Off days she will be walking with her other roomates Tigger and Spec!  We picked the perfect time of year to begin our marathon training because Daisy does not run well in the heat.  With the cooler weather she will perform like a champion but I still need to keep her hydrated.  I always run with extra water for her (in my camelback) and a collapsable water dish.  I will keep you posted after each of our long runs! 

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