If you have wanted to start running with fido now is time to
get started. If both of you are just
starting an exercise program then you both need to start slow. Starting with a walk/run is the best way to
get into better fitness without getting injured. Dogs as well as humans need to begin a
running program by gradually building their mileage each week. I typically recommend starting with a
20-minute walk/run 4 times a week. When
you are starting you can begin with a 1- minute jog and a 3- minute walk
repeating this throughout the run. When
this gets easy try increasing it to a 2/3 and then 3/3 and 3/2 and so on. Eventually you will be running
continuously. Increase the total time
each week by about 10% and every 3rd or 4th week give
yourself an easier week if you feel like you need it. As your miles get higher you will definitely
need the easier week.

Here are some guidelines to follow:
- Be aware of the weather and adjust your training accordingly. If its hot then do your exercise early in the morning before the sun comes up or late when the sun goes down.
- As workouts get longer carry water for you any your pet. You can use a camelback and carry a collapsible water dish for your mutt.
- If you’re running on trails work into it very slowly because the trails can hurt your dogs paws. You dog will need to build up toughness on his feet to run trails so you have to start with very short runs. Some breeds such as cattle dogs, border collies, and sporting dogs are better at trail running than others.
- Adjust your workout based on how your dog is
feeling. Dogs like humans have bad and
good days. If you planned a 5-mile run
you can tell your dog isn’t 100% that day then adjust your plan and take him/her home and go back out to finish your run. - Run them in shifts if you have more than 1 dog. If I am scheduled for a 10 mile run sometimes I will take one dog for 5 miles and then take the other one for the remaining 5 miles.
- If your dog is at a healthy weight then on the days you run longer you will need to increase their food intake. Just like humans when they run they are burning calories and to maintain their healthy weight they will need more calories. If your dog is overweight you won’t need to do this until they reach a healthy weight.
- Always check with your vet before beginning any program. Your vet knows your dog and will be able to give you advice based upon your dogs breed, age and health.
- Use the right equipment such as a waist belt with leash to free your hands when running. I use a one and it goes around my waist and then I use regular slip leads for the dogs. One time the collar I was using was slightly too big and was bumping my dog on the shoulder. I didn’t realize it until she started running funny. Little things like this that may bother the dog are important to look for. You will find a leash or harness that works best for you. If you are running at night both you and your dog should wear reflective gear. They make lots of different types of reflective gear for both humans and dogs.
- Make sure you have good running shoes that are fit professionally at a running store. A good running store will analyze your gait and recommend the right shoe for you.
- Don’t run your dog right after you feed them. If I am running first thing in the morning I feed my dogs about 30 minutes after the run. Larger breeds can be prone to bloat so it is extremely important to adjust feeding times based on when you run. You could give them a little snack but not a full meal. Just imagine how you would feel running after a large meal.
- Take a rest day. I typically take two days off from running each week so my dogs do too. I walk them on non-running days and play games with them to keep them stimulated.
