Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fat Fido? Get Moving With Your Mutt!

There are many reasons for you to walk your dog on a daily basis.  Imagine if you could never leave your house or yard.  Many people think because they have a large backyard they don’t need to take their dog for a walk.  Having a large backyard does not exclude you from taking Fido for a daily walk.  Dogs need to get exercise just as humans do but aside from that they need to experience new things.  They need to smell new smells and see new things.  Getting out of the house and moving forward is what dogs live for.  My dogs live for their daily walk and they let me know how much they love it.  Any signal I provide to let them know the walk is coming sends them into a tizzy with excitement. 

Aside from the joy that dogs get from their walk lets discuss the health benefits for both you and Fido from a daily walk.  Obesity rates in humans and dogs are close to 50%. It is clear that people who have pets are more active than people without pets.  Having a pet that is obese can be very expensive and that’s not because you are paying more for the excess dog food that you may be feeding them.  The expense may come in higher vet bills.  If your dog is overweight you can expect to have a whole list of   Some of the same problems obese humans have could eventually be present in Fido.  They include:

  • Diabetes
  • Joint problems
  • Heart disease and increased blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Decreased stamina
  • Heat intolerance
  • Digestive disorders
  • Decreased immune function
  • Skin and hair coat problems
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Decreased quality and length of life

The last is especially troublesome since dogs live so much less than us humans anyway.   If your mutt is overweight then talk to your vet and discuss your options.  In many cases less food and more exercise will be the remedy if there is no underlying medical condition causing the excessive weight.  If you begin an exercise program with Fido then start slowly.  Easing into a program will be the safest thing for both you and your mutt.  Starting with a 15-20 minute walk 3-4 times a week is a good plan.  You can increase 10% each week and progress safely.  Pay attention to the weather to make sure it is not too hot or cold when you go for your walks.  There are many phone applications to track your progress.  I use one called Walk For A Dog and they donate a small amount of money to a shelter of your choice when you log your walks. 

Get out and move with your mutt!