Beat The Heat With Your Mutt!

- Instead of a walk or run take a drive to the lake.
- Get out there early to avoid the crowds and heat.
- Even if Fido knows how to swim put a dog life vest on. I use one for both of my dogs at the lake. They both are good swimmers however they could see something they want to get and keep swimming. If they get too tired a life vest will help save them. This is unlikely to happen but better to be safe they sorry.
- If you don't have a swimming pool get a kiddie pool. I have a small one and after a walk or run I fill it for them to cool off in. I also put their toys in there and they love to fish them out. Its a fun game for them and work for me......I put the toys in the pool they grab them and take them out over and over again. Like kids dogs could keep doing the same thing for a long time!
- Make ice kongs for them. Put goodies in the kong toy and freeze it. Give it to them outside so it does not make a mess. I put things like cut baby carrots, celery, cottage cheese and chicken broth. Its a cool treat on a hot day and its low calorie!
- Try indoor a dog agility class indoors. Smarty paws is a great place in Las Vegas to see if your mutt has what it takes to be the next champion or just have some fun and get some exercise. Oh and you might get a little bit of exercise too!
- Get out early before the sun. Once the sun beats on the pavement for an extended time you can't expect your dogs to walk on the hot pavement! Even warm pavement for smaller dogs can be uncomfortable because they are so close to the pavement they can heat up faster.
- Look for signs of overheating in your dog. Excessive panting can be a sign your dog is too hot.
- Use a collapsable water dish and carry water with you.
Have a fun, safe and healthy summer.