I walk or run my dogs on a daily basis. I am always on the lookout for other people walking their dogs or dogs off leash. My dog Daisy is not friendly with other dogs and tends to get excited when bicycles, skateboards, or kids running around are near. I have found ways to occupy her with treats when I encounter a situation but it can be difficult if a dog is off leash. I carry citronella spray in case we get approached by another dog. It has happened a handful of times. Most times I yell at the dog and say NO and it will run away. The other day I was walking my dogs and I noticed a couple walking with a dog that was off leash. This dog was a large dog and it was walking ahead of the couple. Luckily I was on the other side of the street. I was walking across the street because I was avoiding a house that I know has previously had their small dog in the front yard on occasion. I purposely avoid these situations on my walks. The large dog off leash was looking our way and I yelled to the couple that my dog was not friendly. They called to their dog and he came back near them. As they approached the house with the small dog I heard a commotion. I looked back and sure enough the little dog happened to come out from the back yard because the home owner had the gate open. The small dog approached the big dog and they started fighting. It was over pretty quick after a couple of yelps. I wanted to say something to both pet owners but I didn't and kept walking. I felt bad for the dogs, it's not their fault. The fault falls on the pet owners who are neglectful. If you have your dog off leash you are being a neglectful pet parent. I realize you may think you have control of your dog but if your dog sees something instinct takes over and they may not listen to you. I have known people who's dog got hit by a car in front of their house because they let the dog in the garage and front yard while they were hanging out there. Their dog decided to run across the street (who knows why) and its now dead. If you think you can take your dog hiking off leash then think again. They could easily see a squirrel and keep chasing it and not be able to find their way back to you. You could come across someone like me who walks their dogs on leash and has a dog that does not like other dogs in their space. Then a fight is bound to happen.

Keep your dog on a leash and you will keep them safe. Lets get back to my dog Daisy who has her issues with strangers, other dogs (except for my other 2), and fast moving objects. She is fearful of people, loud noises and just about anything. If someone wants to come near us out on walks I have to warn them and tell them my dog is not friendly. This is not really true because if you meet her in the right way she is very friendly and a really sweet dog. The problem is that she does not like to be approached. I have worked with an animal behaviorist and I can manage her issues. She will likely always be this way and we don't really know why. I rescued her when she was a year. I don't really know what happened to her during that year. I recently found this website called The Yellow Dog Project. They are bringing awareness to dogs that need space. A yellow dog should not be approach. Being a yellow dog does not signify a mean or aggressive dog. It just means approach with caution and give the dog space. If you see a dog with a yellow scarf or ribbon then don't approach them. You can check out more about The Yellow Dog Project at www.theyellowdogproject.com.