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Wrigley is guaranteed to make you a better runner if you adopt him. He is very sweet but also very strong! |
Today I followed my passion. I went for a 9 mile run but this run was different than any other run I have ever done. I got so much satisfaction and joy from my run today. I planned on running with shelter dogs today. As I was getting ready to leave, I went through my typical pre-run routine. I got my camelback ready. I put on a winter headband because it was a little chilly. I got my sunglasses, Garmin, IPod, garbage bags for dog poop, and leashes. As I was doing this my dogs were sure it was time for them to run. They were excited jumping up and down. I felt a pang of guilt as I walked out the door but I knew what I was doing was a good thing. I figured I would walk them later in the day. I went to the Nevada SPCA a local no kill animal shelter. I decided to run 3 different dogs 3 miles each. I wanted to select dogs that had high energy and needed to get out and run. My first choice was King. He is a cattle dog mix. King is a super sweet guy with lots of energy. I can't imagine why somebody would give him up but then again I can't imagine why anyone would give up their dog. In my opinion its for better or worse with a pet. You keep them through the good and bad. We ran 3 miles and he was awesome to run with. We kept about a 9 min. pace. I went back and decided to run Moon for my second dog. She is a bully mix about one year old. She is another sweet dog with lots of energy. She is really skinny and I am sure being in the shelter is a little stressful for her or any dog for that matter. Moon got me through the next 3 miles which made 6 total for me. My next choice was Wrigley. He is a Chow/Shepard mix. He is so lovable and beautiful. He is also a very strong dog. I walked him once before so I was a little apprehensive taking him for a run because he was so strong. I choose to put a harness on him because of his strength. Once we started running he was great. He was the fastest of all of the dogs I ran today. We kept a 7:30 pace for most of the 3 miles. He could have easily kept going. Today my 9 mile run was one of the best runs ever. Not only did I get exercise I was able to give a little joy to some dogs that deserve a good home. I know all three of the dogs I ran today will find a good home. I just hope whoever does adopt them likes to run and will take them along:)
When I cam home my dogs had to inspect me because I smell like other dogs. Its like I am cheating on them. They must have been mad that I left to run (with leashes and all) without them. I came home to find my protein shake empty and remnants of it on the dog bed. I will take part of the blame for leaving it on the counter. I am not sure who did it but I have my suspicions. Well my dogs may not have got to run today but we did go for a 2 mile walk. And one of them got about 15 grams of protein)