Monday, August 20, 2012

Play some tug-o-war

In the summer sometimes it too hot to do anything outside with your dog.  So your mutt may be getting stir crazy being inside this summer.  You could always do what I do and get up at 3am to avoid the heat. If your not crazy like I am you could play a game with them at anytime and in the house.  My dog Daisy's favorite game it tug-o-war.  A 15 minute game of tug-o-war and we both are beat.  Use these tips to play with your dog.

  • Use something soft that your dog will like to grab onto.  I tied and bunch of old socks together.  Before I tied them together I stuffed them with more old socks.  This works great and is cheap.
  • Find a way to get them started.  Use a fun high pitched voice and say something like "Let's Play" or "Get It"
  • Once they have it shake and tug on it.  Go back and forth up and down.  Use an excited voice to keep the game going.  
  • If their mouth touches you even by accident stop the game and start over.  If your dog won't release when you tell them use a treat to get them to drop it. 
  • A great time to do this is when you get up in the morning or when you come         home from work.          
Make it fun and exciting.  Not all dogs are tug-o-war dogs but most dogs enjoy some type of game.  Have fun and stay cool.